Finding Peace in an Out of Control World ®:

Front CoverWe can’t change the world around us, but we can change our reactions. This lecture guides the audience through a journey that will change the way you look at your life.


Based on my Amazon #1 best-selling book, Finding Peace in an Out of Control World: A How-to Book on Being at Peace Regardless of What Life Throws Your Way, this is a series of interactive workshops with exercises to take participants on a journey to reacquaint them with who they are and ultimately find peace in what can feel like an out of control world.)


Attendees will:

  • Uncover your true self.

  • Gain tools to remain at peace regardless of what life throws your way.

  • Rediscover your passions.

  • Leave with a plan to apply the information to your life and start living a life of peace, love and joy.


For more information on Cindy Nolte, to book her for a lecture, to have her provide training or consulting at your organization, email  sarah (at)